Avril Lavigne Super Cleavage Show!


Avril Lavigne is the cover girl of Maxim’s March issue, and what a nice looking cleavage!Avril Lavigne Maxim Magazine Outtakes from March’s 08 Edition
Avril Lavigne Maxim Magazine Cleavage pictures Avril Lavigne Maxim Magazine Cleavage pictures Avril Lavigne Maxim Magazine Cleavage pictures Avril Lavigne Maxim Magazine Cleavage pictures Avril Lavigne Maxim Magazine Cleavage pictures Avril Lavigne Maxim Magazine Cleavage pictures Avril Lavigne Maxim Magazine Cleavage pictures

With three platinum albums and 35 million records sold, Avril Lavigne has gone from a teen hell-raiser who liked to spit on paparazzi to a stunning 23-year-old mogul (who´d admittedly still likes to spit on paparazzi) !

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